
Product Development + Manufacturing of Cell-cultivated Meat

Tentative agenda, programming subject to change.

Day One: Thursday, November 2, 2023

9:00 AM
Registration and Coffee
Badge Pickup


10:15 AM
Opening and Welcome
Alex Shirazi, SVCMS Group


10:30 AM
Same Beef, New Process: The Mosa Meat Journey
Keynote Presentation
Sebastiano Alberganti and Francesco Zaccarian, MosaMeat


11:00 AM
Global Perspectives on Scaling Up: Strategies for Commercial-Scale Cultured Meat Production
Moderator: Jennifer Stojkovic, Joyful VC
Gabriel Levesque Tremblay, Orbillion Bio
Roman Laus, Mewery
Reka Tron, Multus
David Ziskind, PE, PMP, Stantec


12:00 PM
Lunch Break + Expo


1:00 PM
Fireside Chat
The Promise and Peril of Government Policies for Cultured Meat

Ari Nessel, Food Solutions Action
Alex Shirazi, SVCMS Group


1:30 PM
Product development in cultivated meat: why hybrid products will likely be the first step to market
Rich Dillon, Ivy Farm Technologies


2:00 PM
Fireside Chat
Fundraising for Seed Companies in the Cultivated Meat Space
Dr. Virginia Rangos, Clever Carnivore
Yaqi Grover, Lever VC


2:30 PM
Labeling and Claims for Cultivated Meat
Tommy Tobin, Perkins Coie LLP


3:00 PM
Coffee Break + Expo


3:30 PM
Cultured Meat Unwrapped: Nutrition, Innovation, and the New Culinary Frontier
Moderator: Lisa Keefe, Alt-Meat magazine
Doug Grant, Atlantic Fish Co
Minami Ogawa, Optimized Foods
Clair Purcell, Alcheme Bio

Pavle Stojkovic, Omeat


4:30 PM
Happy Hour + Networking
TS&I Bar at Expo Hall


Optional Activity: Omega Mart at AREA15
Time slots 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Additional Ticket Required. Learn more.

Day Two: Friday, November 3, 2023


9:00 AM
Registration and Coffee


10:00 AM
Culinary Innovation: Exploring Cultured Meat with a Chef
Philip Saneski, Future Food Chef


10:30 AM
Cultured Meat Safety Research Priorities – Perspectives from Regulatory Scientists
Kimberly Ong Ph.D., Vireo Advisors


11:00 AM
Automation and AI in Cultured Meat Manufacturing
Moderator: Robert Grey, Plug and Play
Dr. Shawn Manchester, Triplebar Bio Inc.
Som Ganchoudhuri, Ai Palette
Chris Monchinski, InflexionPoint


12:00 PM
Lunch Break + Expo


1:15 PM
Tufts University Center for Cellular Agriculture
Meera Zassenhaus, Tufts University


1:30 PM
Development of Cultivated Meat Production Process Using Sustainable Solution
Heejae Lee, SeaWith, Inc.


2:00 PM
Ethically Reaching Price Parity for Cell-Cultured Meat
Menekse Emma Ermis, Omeat


2:30 PM
Exploring the Future of Technological Forefront for Food Ingredients and Raw Materials
Dominic Jeong, Simple Planet


3:00 PM
Coffee Break + Expo

3:30 PM

Open Mic
On Stage Opportunities Available

4:00 PM
Special Interactive Presentation

4:30 PM

Venue Information

Cultured Meat Symposium

Bespoke Events
845 Market Street
Suite 450
San Francisco, CA 95656

Parking & Venue Access